RAFAEL HÜSEYNOV AMEA-nın həqiqi üzvü Filologiya elmləri doktoru Professor
Haqlı təzminat tələbimiz Noy 14, 2020 | 18:34 / Mətbuatda çıxışlar
Qələbəmiz nəhayət gəlib çatdığı kimi təcavüzkar və terrorizmi ənənəvi dövlət siyasətinə çevirmiş Ermənistanın beynəlxalq məhkəmə qarşısında dayanaraq Azərbaycana və azərbaycanlılara
qarşı törətdiyi cinayətlərə görə cavab vermək saatı da yəqin ki, tezliklə yetişəcəkdir.
Ermənistana və ermənilərə qarşı gec-tez Nürnberq prosesinə bənzər bir mühakimənin hökmən qurulacağını mən Avropa Şurasında olduğumuz 20 il ərzində dəflərlə müxtəlif kontekstlərdə ifadə etmişəm.
Bu təqdim etdiyim sənədi isə hələ 2005-ci ildə hazırlamışdım.
15 il əvvəl!
Bu sənəd indi də AŞPA-nın saytında olan rəsmi sənədlər sırasında yer almaqdadır.
O vaxt indiki günlər çox uzaqda idi.
Lakin bugünkü günlər üçün vaxtında hazırlanmış belə sənədlər yerinə görə çox karımıza gələcək.
Doğrudur, o zaman Ermənistanın ödəməli olduğu təzminatın miqdarını nisbətən az qoymuşam -- 60 milyard ABŞ dolları.
O vaxt optimal məbləğ təqribən elə idi.
Əlbəttə, indi mütəxəssislər bizə vurulmuş ziyanın gerçək miqdarını araşdırsalar, yəqin bu rəqəm bir xeyli artar.
Allah və Tarix heç bir iblisliyi cəzasız buraxmır!
Doc. 10418
24 January 2005
The responsibility of, and the compensation to be paid by, the Republic of Armenia for the damage caused by it to Azerbaijan as a result of occupation
Written question No 463 to the Committee of Ministers
presented by Mr R. Huseynov
Armenia, that is keeping under control 20 per cent of the territory of a neighbouring country by occupying the Nagorno-Karabakh region and other 7 districts of Azerbaijan as a result of military aggression, has been continuing its policy against the state and people of Azerbaijan in contradiction with all norms of international law approximately for 15 years. As a result of this aggression, which turned about one million Azerbaijanis into refugees and displaced persons, Azerbaijan has been subjected to damage amounting to 60 billion dollars.
As a result of the military aggression 20,000 Azerbaijanis were killed, 100,000 wounded, 50,000 exposed to various injuries, 4,853 persons missing, among whom 439 persons died or were killed in captivity and 783 persons are still being kept captive.
As a component of the policy of genocide carried out by Armenia against the people of Azerbaijan during the military aggression, Khojaly city with its 6,000 population was leveled to the ground within one night, 613 people, especially women, children and old persons, were killed with special brutality.
As a result of the occupation, 900 settlements of Azerbaijan have been destroyed half or fully by Armenia, 7,000 industrial and agricultural objects, 700 educational establishments, 665 objects of public health, 22 museums, 4 picture galleries, 44 temples, 9 mosques, approximately 100,000 museum exhibits, cultural and architectural monuments have been destroyed and seized.
As a result of the military aggression of Armenia 17,000 hectares of productive lands of Azerbaijan have been poisoned, exposed to erosion, mined and became worthless.
Approximately 1,000 kms of highways, 160 bridges, 23,000 kms of water lines and 15000 kms of electric lines have been destroyed.
Pillaging and devastating the forests in the occupied territories, Armenia has caused irrevocable damage to the ecology. 210,000 hectares of forests in Nagormo-Karabakh have been fully poisoned with radiation-nuclear waste and became useless.
A preserve covering 20,000 hectares in the occupied Gubadly district has been burned by the Armenian military formations.
A preserve covering 107 hectares in the occupied Zangilan district has been pillaged and destroyed.
More than 100 cemeteries have been destroyed, pillaged in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, some cemeteries have been turned into the places where the nuclear waste is buried.
As a result of the occupation, the demographic development of Azerbaijan has been seriously damaged, the percentage of premature mortality, women and children diseases have increased.
Taking all this into account,
R. Huseynov
asks the Committee of Ministers:
To what extent is it fair that, until today, the issue of responsibility of, and the compensation to be paid by Armenia for, the material and spiritual damage caused as a result of this occupation carried out against the people and state of Azerbaijan by the aggressor Armenia, which generally is one of the biggest crimes perpetrated against humanity in the 20th century, has not been considered separately by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and no document in this regard has been adopted?
Signed 1:
HUSEYNOV, Rafael, Azerbaijan, LDR
1 SOC: Socialist Group
EPP/CD: Group of the European People’s Party
LDR : Liberal, Democratic and Reformers’ Group
EDG: European Democratic Group
UEL: Group of the Unified European Left
NR: not registered in a group
Avropa Şurası Parlament Assambleyasının Azərbaycan nümayəndə heyətinin üzvüdür.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Milli Məclisinin deputatıdır.
AMEA Nizami Gəncəvi adına Milli Azərbaycan Ədəbiyyatı Muzeyinin direktorudur.